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Languages - Portuguese and its Literatures (Distance)

UFLA's Language major - Portuguese and its Literatures habilitation - prepares the future professional to not only deal with a dynamic social-historical-economic and cultural context, but specially to act as critical reader and effective agent at the construction of citizenship and, thus, be capable of making good use of language in its different expressions. To do so, it provides the students with the development of a critical view of the world and a clear perception of the role to be played in the social-cultural environment. In this sense, the future professionals will be able to feel as responsibility sharer of their own formation, enabling them better for professional challenges.

The teaching staff is composed by experienced, qualified professionals at university work, both at teaching and at developing activities and research and extension projects. The supporting structure in hub-cities assure the students, tutors and professors effective action, so this can be a quality course.

There are many computing laboratories equipped to meet the students, addiction to all the structure presented at the university.

UFLA's Languages - Portuguese and its literatures students rely on the support to develop and become prepared professionals to deal with educating challenges in Brazil.

  • Academic Degree: Licentiate
  • Title: Licentiate in Languages
  • Modality: Distance
  • Regime: Semi-Annual
  • Minimum Length: 8 semesters
  • No. of Vacancies per Semester: 250 (50 vacancies to each supporting on-site hub-city of the course)
  • Hub cities: Cambuí/MG, Confins/MG, Itamonte/MG, Sete Lagoas/MG and Governador Valadares/MG
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