Languages - English and its Literatures (Distance)
The Licentiate Language course in distance modality, English and its literatures habilitation, is resultant from the willingness to work on already Basic School (Elementary or High) acting or future teachers' qualification and from the observation of Minas Gerais south and southeast lacking of these professionals. The course intends to form competent professionals, capable of acting an ethical and critical way upon the various languages present in the social-educational environment, in order to produce, express and communicate their ideas, besides interpreting and using the cultural and technological productions in formal, public, private contexts, and informal contexts. Seeking to prepare the future professionals - English teacher - not only to live a dynamic and competitive social-historical-economic and cultural context, but also to act as critical reader and actor at the construction of citizenship and, thus, capable of making good use of the language in its different expressions. It seeks, then, a course that makes possible the development of competence of reflecting upon the linguistic and literary facts through analysis, description and explanation, guided by a pertinent theoretical ground, seeking the formation of the language enunciating subjects. To do so, the course must provide the students with the development of a multitasking view of the world, in such as they can guide their actions by a clear perception of the role to be played in their social-cultural environment and, consequently, to feel like participant and responsibility sharer of their own formation. In this sense, both their critical sense and undertaking and initiative capacities are stimulated and developed, enabling them better to deal with professional challenges.
Academic Degree: Licentiate
Title: Licentiate in Languages - English
Modality: Distance
Regime: Semi-Annual
Minimum Length: 8 semesters
No. of Vacancies per Semester: 250 (50 vacancies for each supporting on-site hub of the course)
Hub cities: Lavras/MG, Bambui/MG, Cambuí/MG, Confins/MG, Jaboticatubas/MG